Top 5 Reasons Lady Gaga Should Move to the Bay Area
We find all of his rather thrilling, because hey -- the Bay Area could really benefit from having Lady Gaga as a semi-permanent resident. What for, you ask? Here are the top five reasons we want Lady Gaga to move here.
5. So we could wave it in L.A.'s face"Oh, what's that, Los Angeles? You think you're California's capital of famous musicians? Well, who cares if you're home to the Grammys, the Oscars, the entire recording industry, star-studded sidewalks, the California Dream, and that cool Capitol Records building. We didn't want Katy Perry, David Geffen, or Axl Rose, anyway. And -- oh, sorry! It looks like we have a wine-tasting at Lady Gaga's place we need to be getting to. Ta-ta! And good luck on the 405!"
3. She could teach us how to dress wellThere are many things Northern Californians have going for us -- intelligence, environmental awareness, rain -- but unfortunately, sartorial skills are generally not one of them. And while it's admittedly possible that Gaga might slip into a habit of brown flannel and loose denim if she were to relocate to the Sonoma sticks, another outcome seems more likely: Having the Mother Monster in our midst would both inspire and instruct Bay Area residents to lose the fleece and Birkenstocks in favor of giant heels, fishnet bodysuits, and black leather. Or at least, clothes that were considered cool somewhere within the last decade. And when we make her an all-meat dress, it'll be hormone-free, locally grown, free range, and totally organic, obvi.