Lady Gaga Tweets Photo of Herself Sans Makeup, Looks Horrifyingly Normal
Over the weekend, Lady Gaga told the Twitterverse that she constantly wears veils because she's mourning the world's problems (OK...), but she seems to have changed her tune as she not only removed the veil but all of her makeup as well!
The Mother Monster tweeted this pic to her 21-million-plus followers, along with the message, "Have a beautiful day!!" She looks refreshingly natural with her clean face, a grey tank and pretty white flower to go with her pulled-back hair.
It's nice to see this side of Gaga, the side that isn't covered in fire-breathing bras and being carried around by a harem of shirtless men. And we may be seeing even more of this au naturel look, seeing as just last October...
READ: Ta-Ta, Lady Gaga: Pop Star Calling Media Timeout, Will Stop Doing Interviews
The 25-year-old pulled a similar stunt when she posed on the cover of Harper's Bazaar sans makeup, costume, face mask or any other typical accoutrements you'd expect to see. She told the magazine, "Whether I'm wearing lots of makeup or no ma! keup, I' m always the same person inside."
Hey, baby, we get it, you were "Born This Way."
She seems to be making a lot of life changes, as she recently told Oprah that she'll be going "speechless" with a self-imposed vow of media silence. But not to worry, Little Monsters, even though Gaga won't be reading this articleor will she?it looks like her twitpics will keep rolling in.
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