Lady Gaga's Startup Showed A Hackathon In Times Square Yesterday

If anyone can make hackathons go mainstream, it's Lady Gaga.

Lady Gaga-backed startup Backplane held a hackathon at SXSW in Austin, Texas, yesterday.

Then it broadcast the hackathon. It aired in three places:

  • In Times Square in New York, it showed for 15 minutes at the top of every hour on the NASDAQ screen.
  • On SoundHound, which has an audience around 50 million.
  • On Lady Gaga's Facebook fan page, which has about 50 million fans. Unfortunately, Lada Gaga didn't make an appearance.

Developers from around the world played with APIs from Nike's FuelBand and music streaming service Spotify.There was no budget, but the costs were paid for by sponsors.

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