Lady Gaga opinion piece
Connection with Rush Limbaugh
Editor, The Seattle Times:
Is it my imagination or are there definite links between the recent stories about bullying at school, highlighted recently by Nicholas Kristofs opinion piece concerning Lady Gagas foundation and the unrelated but yet related story about Rush Limbaughs latest tirade aimed at Sandra Fluke? [Born to not get bullied, Opinion, March 4].
Limbaugh, and other talking heads, have made a career out of these bullying tactics.
The latest is different only in the degree it caught the medias attention. We Americans seem to reward bullying from public figures and reality shows while at the same time, we worry about the effect bullying has on children who are on the receiving end on the school grounds.
Why do we fail to see the connection between what we see as bullying for entertainment and the actions of impressionable adolescents?
Who has more influence? Is it the Limbaughs of the world or the Lady Gagas?
Who should have more influence? Is this the direction the human race is evolving, or have we not yet evolved enough?
Ron Appel, Seattle