Obama Quotes Lady Gaga's 'Born This Way' (Video)

If you've ever imagined what Lady Gaga's "Born This Way" might sound as spoken by President Barack Obama, you are in luck. Because a YouTube user named "barackdubs" has spliced together a mash-up of exactly that, and the result -- thanks to some clever video editing -- has Obama at the pulpit spouting such Gaga lyrics as: "My mama told me when I was young/We are all born superstars/She rolled my hair and put my lipstick on/In the glass of her boudoir."

PHOTOS: Actors Who've Played Politicians

Obama, preparing for a re-election race against the Republican frontrunner (post-New Hampshire primary, that's Mitt Romney) and whose marriage is under the microscope with the publication of Jodi Kantor's unauthorized Obamas biography, could probably used a good laugh right now.

Check out the footage below: