Lady Gaga and Yale expert team up

Updated: Wednesday, 02 Jan 2013, 6:44 PM ESTPublished : Wednesday, 02 Jan 2013, 6:34 PM EST

NEW HAVEN, Conn. (WTNH) -- Popstar Lady Gaga is going mobile with her anti-bullying message and her "Born This Way Bus" will make a stop in Connecticut at a concert in March.

The mega-star is known world wide and is using that star power to tackle the issue of bullying and suicide and is getting help from a well known Yale expert to reach out and make a difference in young lives.

Lady Gaga sings about wanting to be herself and loved for who she is, something she wants for fans as well.

A victim of bullying, the singer's "Born This Way Bus" hits the road, offering information on anti-bullying and suicide prevention services to young fans at 30 concerts.

Analyzing it's success is Yale Research Scientist Dr. Marc Brackett.

"The bigger project really is to help Lady Gaga and her foundation do the right kind of messaging to the world for bullying prevention and also help them evaluate what their doing so their doing it with real research minds behind it," said Dr. Brackett.Dr. Brackett says it all about empowering youth and getting them the help they need.

"She's trying to eliminate the stigma associated with getting help when you need it for mental health problems but also making people aware that we have to live in a braver and kinder world," said Dr. Brackett.

Dr. Brackett says studies show, programs like zero bullying tolerance at school have had little impact in the long run. What has resonated is a technique he teaches to students and teachers.

"Kids have better relationships with teachers, teachers have better connections, there's less violence in schools, there's less aggression," said Dr. Brackett.

They get there through what he calls the meta-moment, aimed at diffusing an intense situation.

"When you're really annoyed at somebody, all of a sudden you want to go for the jugular, you say what's really on your mind and most likely it's som! ething hurtful so want we want to do is teach kids and adults early on in the process how to recognize those shifts, to feel that heart pounding and teeth clenching and at that moment know that it's time to take that breath," said Dr. Brackett.

In the meantime, one of entertainment's biggest headliners has had enough, using her star power to put bullying on center stage.