Conservatives Protest Lady Gaga's Born Brave Bus

Lady Gaga's Born Brave Bus hit a little bump in the road Monday in Tacoma, Wash, which hosted the first stop of the U.S. leg of her Born This Way Ball tour.

The conservative group Florida Family Association states on its website that it hired an aircraft to fly a banner reading "NOT Born this way" over Gaga's Born Brave Bus for several hours prior to the start of her concert at the Tacoma Dome.

The Born Brave Bus has been described by Gaga as a tailgate-type event that will allow young adults to celebrate individuality and self-acceptance.

The Florida Family Association writes on its site, "How would you feel if your child or grandchild went to a concert where unbeknownst to you they were convinced to embrace a homosexual or transgender lifestyle for a lifetime?"

It's unclear if Gaga knew about the banner. According to Tacoma's The News Tribune, she told the crowd gathered outside the Born Brave Bus, "The change begins with you."

Gaga kicked off her U.S. tour three days after stirring controversy at her Vancouver concert by wearing a bra that had plastic guns sticking out of it.

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