Lady Gaga FAT? Er, no. Liz Hurley? YES!
Lady Gaga looks a number of things in these latest photos, but fat is not one of them.
Lady Gaga placed a lot of trust in those safety pins... Copyright: [wenn]
Yep, Lady Gaga is continuing to embrace her shape, last night showing off more cleavage than Aston from JLS in this dress held in place by safety pins.
And by the looks of things, Lady G has placed a lot of trust in those safety pins.
Lady G has come under much criticism lately concerning her weight, prompting her to launch her 'body revelation' last week.
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She kicked off the revolution by posting picture of herself in her underwear and calling for her followers to join her in celebrating their shape whatever it is.
Gaga wrote: "Bulimia and anorexia since I was 15. But today I join the BODY REVOLUTION. To inspire Bravery. and BREED some m$therf***ing COMPASSION."
However, while 'fat' certainly didn't spring to mind, Liz Hurley did.
Oh we may as well, WHO WORE IT BEST?! Copyright: [wenn]
We will admit that we didn't exactly Lady Gaga and Liz Hurley in the same sentence before 10 am but this is celeb land: anything can happen.
Yep, Liz famously wore the Versace safety pin dress to a film premiere back in 1994, 18 years ago!
Oh and while we are here we may as well just chuck it in
Because everyone loves a fash off, even if it is 18 years late.