Lady Gaga and Oprah Winfrey to visit Harvard University tomorrow
Globe Staff
Lady Gaga and Oprah Winfrey will headline an event at Harvard University to launch the singer's Born this Way Foundation, an event that has generated excitement in the community and special discounts at local businesses.
According to the @BTWfoundation Twitter account, the foundation is "Led by @LadyGaga & her mother Cynthia, we are building a brave new world where humanity is embraced, individuals are empowered, and intolerance is eliminated.''
The event tomorrow will be live streamed here starting at 4 p.m.
As part of the visit, Harvard Square businesses are offering discounts for their merchandise and will donate a portion of their sales to the Born this Way foundation.
Upstairs on the Square, for example, this week is inviting people "to come to our over-the-top bar, pink and gold and all dressed up just like Lady Gaga, for a glass of this special rose for $6 per glass, with profits going to the Born This Way Foundation,'' according to
And Zinnekans waffles "will be donating $2 for each totally sinful Lady Gaga & Oprah waffle (banana, whipped cream, dark chocolate and caramel).''
Local realtor Holly Donaldson of Coldwell Banker is donating 5 percent of her next home sale to the foundation, according to the Harvard Square Business Association.
"The Born This Way Foundation addresses issues such as self-confidence,! well-be ing, anti-bullying, mentoring and career development through research, education and advocacy,'' Harvard Square Husiness Assocaition said in a statement. "The Gaga nonprofit is in partnership with the Harvard Graduate School of Education, Harvard's Berkman Center for Internet and Society and the John D. & Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation."