Kelly Osbourne: Lady Gaga Has Created Monsters

Kelly Osbourne: Lady Gaga Has Created Monsters

Kelly Osbourne has fallen prey to the wrath of Lady Gaga fans after making a negative comment about the 'Born This Way' superstar...

Kelly Osbourne isn't famed for being the shy and retiring type, but she's regretting speaking out of turn about Lady Gaga now fans of the singer have taken to Twitter to send Kelly death threats.

Kelly, the presenter of Fashion Police, accused Gaga of being "disrespectful" after the star did not walk the red carpet at the Grammy Awards:

"Being part of the music industry is walking the red carpet. You say hello to your fans and you give back to those reporters and those people who supported you. And when you go to an awards show and you dont walk the red carpet, I find that disrespectful."

However, she didn't expect her words to have such a negative effect. She has been sent death threats, hate mail and "sick messages" from Gaga fans which, obviously, have upset Kelly greatly.

She took to Twitter to speak out about Gaga's bullying little monsters:

"Being told to kill myself, having ppl hoping i get raped being called fat/ugly, & being sent death threats IS A BIG DEAL! @ladygaga really has created monsters. w/ every nasty unjustified tweet u send me u shame your queen. hate is not what @ladygaga is about!"

Despite all of this, Kelly has insisted that she is a huge Gaga fan herself and that she doesn't blame the entire fanbase for the abuse she has been subjected to:

"I'm a huge fan she is amazing I don't label [her] entire fan base as bullies because i know they are not but some really are giving you guys a bad rep!"

What a palaver! We wonder if Lady Gaga will! be havi ng stern words with her minions?

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