Get Lady Gaga's Almost-Beehive Look!

Lady Gaga at a press conference in New Delhi.
Photo: Getty Images

Our Lady of Little Monster Valley, aka Lady Gaga, attended a press conference in New Delhi, India, to announce her performance at an upcoming event celebrating the country's first Formula 1 race. We have no idea if Mama Monster has always had an affinity for racing cars, but we think she exhibited regal elegance in a white and floral-patterned one-shoulder dress, jewels, dark shades, and a green and orange DOUBLE-BUN updo that was almostbut not quitea beehive. Even though the press has been focusing on India's chapter of PETA asking Gaga to wear a "lettuce dress" (in deference to her meat dress) to support the country's vegetarian stance, we found ourselves focusing on this bee-tasia hair moment swarming beatifically around her halo-lit head. We are so enchanted by this look that we contacted one of our favorite stylists, the multitalented Stefano Greco over at NYC's Mizu salon, to get the step-by-step of this voluminous almost-beehive.


STEP 1: Start off by brushing your hair up and securing two ponytails, one on top of the other, larger on top and smaller on the bottom. To achieve the same type of beehive as Lady Gaga (super big!) you will need extensions. You can easily find clip-in ponytails at stores like Ricky's, ! and addi ng a longer ponytail to your hair will give it extra height and thickness. You may want to add the clip-in just to the top bun since it's the overpowering one.

STEP 2: If you have bangs keep them out and lightly blow dry with a flat brush so they are flat on your face. If you dont have bangs, no worries! This style is fine without them.

STEP 3: Lightly tease each pony and spray with a dry shampoo to add texture and hold without your hair looking greasy. If your hair is thin, make sure you tease enough to thicken the ponytails if you're not using extensions.

STEP 4: Using a flat brush, lightly brush the surface of each ponytail to sculpt and smooth. Make sure you do it very lightly to maintain the texture.

STEP 5: Take each ponytail, starting with the bottom one, and sculpt into a bun, securing with bobby pins that match the color of your hair. Pin any extra pieces in places where your hair doesnt seem as secure.

STEP 6: If you want to add fun color like Lady Gaga, purchase some colored hair sprays (again, found at Ricky's) and spray in some streaks. Make sure you spray from about 6-12 inches away so you don't overdo the color. Finish off with a light hairspray and some dry shampoo.

BONUS TIP: You might want to carry some extra hair pins in your bag just in case small pieces get loose while you're tearing up the town Li'l Monster style!

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