Lay Z Gaga Calendar Features Lady Gagas Doppelganger Dog

Posted: November 19, 2012

lay z gaga

Lady Gaga has inspired millions of fans, and at least one dog, with her flamboyant costumes. The Lay Z Gaga: Bred This Way Calendar features Max, a 7-year-old little monster, dressed up in some of the singers most famous looks.

The Lay Z Gaga calendar was created byPhotographer Lara Jo Reganand theNoahs Ark Animal Sanctuary.

Regan said:

Max just seems like a gay, aging aristocratic diva When we got his hair cut, there was just something about him that made us think he would be a Lady Gaga fan and dress like her, except he doesnt really have the budget. I started joking around with my husband thinking if a dog was a Lady Gaga wannabe, and they were overdrawn at the bank, how would they concoct their outfits?

Max puts on Lady Gagas famous bubble gown, herover sizedpink sunglasses, her birds nest hairdo and of course, the infamous meat dress.

Lay Z Gaga writes on her website:

Raised on a diet of reality shows, lame blogs and sound bites, Lay Z GaGa aspires to be a fashion and performance icon like her famous human counterpart . . . but without the discipline, drive, cash flow or work ethic.

You can buy a Lay Z Gaga calendar for $! 13.00 here or check out some of the photos below.

lay z gaga calendar

lay z gaga calendar

lay z gaga calendar

What do you think of the Lay Z Gaga Calendar?

Dan Evon

By Dan Evon