Lady Gaga: Adele's Still Bigger Than Me
Lady Gaga recently opened up about her highly scrutinized weight gain to Stylist magazine, where she pointed out what she views is the unfair standard she's judged upon.
"I thought, well I don't really care if they think Im fat, because, quite honestly, I did gain about 30 pounds," she admitted. "Adele is bigger than me, how come nobody says anything about it?"
But she quickly clarified this to be a complement.
"She's so wonderful and I think her confidence is something I have to match," she said about the Grammy award-winning artist. "She has set the bar very high for a lot of woman. I need to be a confident woman and just say politically active things when I can that are helpful to young people."
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Gaga has continued to be outspoken about her weight gain, starting her Body Revolution campaign -- which is about encouraging fans to celebrate their flaws -- in September.
Though she did reveal to Stylist that she still has a common insecurity you wouldn't expect from a worldwide superstar.
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"Do you know what's really funny, and I was kind of afraid to admit this, but I'm just going to say it anyway, 'cos I think my fans will really appreciate it. I am throwing my best friend an engagement party this weekend, and I'm going to be seeing all these girls from high school, and I would be totally lying to you if I didn't say I was worried about how I'm going to look!," she admitted. "I was saying earlier, 'I have to look fabulous, I have to look absolutely amazing, some of them were horrible to me!'"
Guess you never forget a Mean Girl.
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