Lady Gaga Tweets About Starving Herself #PopSingersDontEat And Xanax, Is The Mother Monster Heading for a Drug ...
Her mama may have told when she was young that everyone is a superstar, but it appears Lady Gaga's takeaway from her mom's advice was that superstars and "pop stars don't eat."
On Tuesday, Lady Gaga surprised fans when she strayed from her usual positive, accept yourself tone when she tweeted about starving herself, using the hashtag "#PopStarsDon'tEat."
"Just killed back to back spin classes. Eating a salad dreaming of a cheeseburger #PopSingersDontEat #IWasBornThisWay,"Gaga tweeted Tuesday.
The tweet in question comes just two months after Lady Gaga admitted to fans at a conference at a Brentwood, Calif. School that she was, for most of her life, bulimic.
"Weight is still a struggle. Every video I'm in, every magazine cover, they stretch you - they make you perfect," Gaga said. "It's not real life."
The mother monster continued on at the conference to stress that women should never starve themselves or throw up after eating, as she nearly damaged her vocal cords permanently from engaging in bulimia.
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"I'm gonna say this about girls: The dieting wars have got to stop."
Along with many upset fans, The National Eating Disorders Association caught wind of the tweet, and took a moment to blast Gaga for promoting a poor image.
"Huh? This is the same person who recently implored girls to stop dieting?" NEDA tweeted.
"Some of her fans - not haters - w/ eating disorders were offended," Proud2BMe, NEDA's teen forum, tweeted. "We heard from them. So we hope @ladygaga clarifies her mssg."
A similarly disturbing tweet came from Gaga this week in which she called herself "Princess Xena of Xanaxland," leading many fans to wonder if she was also abusing Xanax or other drugs in addition to starving herself.
Perhaps her tweets are part of her new mantra where she admitted during an interview with ! Oprah sh e does "not intend to speak to anyone for a very long time," namely the media.
"The newest thing I do is I don't read a [darn] thing," Gaga told Oprah. "No press, no television. If my mom calls and says, 'Did you hear about...?' [Gaga hangs up an invisible phone.] I don't want to know nothing about anything that is going on in relation to music. ... I shut it all off."